Data Security for Government Entities
Data Security for Government Entities
Government, defense and intelligence agencies – and the civilian companies that contract with them – are under intense scrutiny and pressure to comply with a lengthening list of legislative requirements and protocols designed to protect sensitive data in transit and at rest. Working with ever-tighter budgets, these organizations must:
- Meet stringent data confidentiality, integrity, availability and authentication requirements for mobile employees, teleworkers and contractors
- Comply with U.S. legislative requirements such as the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), OMB M06-16 Mandate, Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) mandates, and Director of Central Intelligence Directive (CDID) 6/3.
- Show compliance with international data security requirements imposed by the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme for IT Security (CCEVS)
- Meet state data security mandates
Adhere to Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) and CESG Assisted Products Service (CAPS) standards. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) is a publicly announced standardization developed by the United States federal government for use in computer systems by all non-military government agencies and by government contractors, when properly invoked and tailored on a contract. CAPS (CESG Assisted Products Service) is a certification scheme exclusive to the UK Government market. CAPS offers Government and MoD users the assurance their security products have been tested to the highest standards.
CE Secure is Compliance
For agencies, the price of non-compliance can range from a loss of public trust and more intense oversight to costly class-action lawsuits. For the thousands of civilian companies whose business relies on working with government agencies at all levels, non-compliance could disqualify them from bidding on government contracts.
That means agencies and contractors with mobile employees carry enormous responsibility for securing data, identities and applications. To operate efficiently in an increasingly mobile world, they must give authorized users anytime access to sensitive data without compromising user identities, core applications or protected networks. To comply with data security requirements, they must be able to monitor and track data access and use no matter where employees carry it – and then document that activity in audits and reports. Meanwhile, organizations are also expected to keep mobile workers productive when severe weather, infrastructure failures or other disasters threaten their ability to do their jobs.
CE Secure helps you achieve all these goals with military-grade (FIPS 140.2) and encrypted devices, and we don’t stop there. Our mobile security solutions protect digital identities and applications no matter where your employees take them. Because our centralized management platforms put you in control of data access and use, you don’t have to rely on the diligence of the hundreds or thousands of mobile workers who carry sensitive corporate or patient data with them every day. CE Secure delivers some of the world’s most secure, scalable and reliable mobile storage, encryption management and device management solutions, including:
- USB device management
- Encrypted flash drives
- Encrypted external hard drives
- Enrcyption management solutions
- Secure storage solutions
- Disaster Recovery solutions
All CE Secure products are designed from the start to work seamlessly together and create a managed, cost-effective, end-to-end solution that helps reduce your potential exposure to non-compliance.
CE Secure Government Entities Solution Features
The security protections built into CMS’ encrypted USB drives are rough and tough. And by choosing from an array of scalable, intuitive platforms for establishing and policing your employees’ use of CE Secure™ drives, you can ensure that mobile employees are using strong passwords and taking other measures to take full advantage of those capabilities. From a central console, set policies for passwords, application use, recovery, and more – across a handful of drives or thousands of them. Depending on the CMS solution you deploy, you can also manage and update device drivers and applications, administer identity protection features, and create whitelists of approved IP addresses to control where devices and applications can be used. And if a drive is lost or stolen, you can even remotely erase it or destroy it.
Power outages, severe storms, earthquakes, fires – any of these might usually impact your ongoing operations. But CMS’ secure mobile storage and portable workspace solutions help keep workers productive even when they can’t make it into the office.
There’s no need for employees to install drivers or other software to securely access their stored data, workspace or applications. CMS drives come pre-loaded with everything users need, and they leave no trace on the host PC.
In addition to the combined safeguards of encryption, multi-factor authentication and hardened enclosures, some of CMS’ enterprise-class mobile storage solutions come with anti-virus and anti-malware protections, either as a standard feature or as an option.
When a mobile employee’s digital identity is compromised, your network, your applications, and your data all become vulnerable. That’s why CMS offers strong, multifactor authentication on CMS CE Secure drives. And for users of CE Secure™ drives, CMS offers enterprise-class identity management capabilities – combining Public Key crypto services, strong password authentication and strong password management – to shield identities out in the wild. Only CMS integrates these sophisticated protections with encrypted storage in a single mobile device.
Mobile data security involves more than just locking down data. Workers need the flexibility of working from any PC, and they get it with CMS’ portable workspace solutions. These solutions, available on CMS’ encrypted USB flash drives and hard drives, add another dimension to mobile security by enabling employees and contractors to safely work from any computer – at the office, at home, or on the road – Hardware encryption and strong authentication keep confidential data where it belongs.
Complying with data security mandates doesn’t have to be a headache. Use CMS’ advanced reporting and auditing capabilities to document how, where and when users have accessed, saved or modified confidential data. And for maximum flexibility, CMS offers you both premise-based management solutions (when device management must reside behind your firewall) and cloud-based management solutions (eliminates the need for capital investments in servers and other hardware).